Santa Celebration
Thanks to all our volunteers and sponsors for making the Saturday December 8th 2018 Santa Celebration amazing and fun for all who attended! This year a total of 115 families with over 300 children received presents and food assistance for the holidays customized to their family. Sherriff Sally Hernandez’s Brown Santa program assisted 93 families and 37 families were assisted by gifts from SW Family Fellowship Church’s angel tree. Food gift cards were provided to over 20 families from the West Rural Travis County Advisory Committee and Oak Hill United Methodist Church. The Oak Hill United Methodist Preschool provided 23 of the families with personalized holiday pajamas for their children.

Additionally Oak Hill United Methodist Church supplied breakfast tacos, crafts, a bouncy house and fun for all! Many thanks for ensuring every child in attendance was able to visit with Santa and receive a teddy bear. As always, the Southwest Austin Rotary Club provided coats for any in need, this year was cold, with over 200 coats distributed by volunteers George and Emily! Constable Stacy Suits’ and his dedicated deputies were on hand to help deliver gifts to family vehicles and provide good cheer as were many of the Travis County Community Center at Oak Hill staff. Special thanks to Linda Vargus with Foundation Communities for her amazing face painting, and Alyssa Palacios with the Texas Community Partners provided information about state services and programs.
December Pop-Up Resource Clinic

On December 11th ,the Travis County Community Outreach EMs team coordinated the first ever South Austin Pop Up Resource Clinic for people living on the streets in the southwest Austin area. Travis County Community Center in Oak Hill staff were at host Holy Cross Lutheran Church’s lawn for this event supported by the Oak Hill Community Alliance. Donations and volunteers came from Alliance partners including St. Christopher’s Episcopalian church, Unity Church of Austin, Oak Hill United Methodist Church, Southwest Family Fellowship, and Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Over 25 individuals received services from the providers on site, and donations distributed included, food, warm clothes, blankets, personal care items, and dog food.

Back to School Bash

On Friday August tenth, members of our community enjoyed dinner, water inflatables, and fellowship at the Southwest Family Fellowship location in Oak Hill. In addition, Constable Stacy Suits and his team provided a Safe Child booth, CommUnity Care provided school supplies, and A+ Credit Union staffed a table with information about free children’s’ savings accounts. A big hit with all the kids was the temporary tattoo artist that provided many smiles.

With many volunteers and sponsors from SW Family Fellowship, 140 students in 42 families were provided personalized backpacks with a haircut gift certificate, new shoes and undergarments to start the school year right! St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church provided school supplies that parents could select for their children. Additionally, 12 secondary students got school physicals from CommUnity Care Oak Hill staff so they can participate in sports and other extracurricular activities. Volunteers from Southwest Rotary Club helped serve a Double Dave’s pizza dinner. Many volunteers provided fellowship and help for families to celebrate returning to school. Thanks to Constable Suits, every child on the Oak Hill Travis County Community Center’s waiting list was also offered a backpack and school supplies.

Many thanks to: Southwest Family Fellowship , Southwest Austin Rotary Club, Judge Susan Steeg, Constable Stacy Suits, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, CommUnity Care, A+ Credit Union and the Travis County Community Center in Oak Hill.