Family First Parent Educators specialize in arranging and securing services for families with a variety of needs.
How can a parent educator help?
Parent Educators are well-trained and provide intensive support and resources to families who may be at risk for abuse/neglect or who have already experienced judicial intervention for abuse/neglect.
Our Parent Educators help families develop and meet attainable goals for both positive parent-child interaction and self-sufficiency.
Families are linked to support for urgent basic needs (rent, utilities, food), WIC, TANF, SNAP, housing, daycare, immunizations, health care, mental health services, education programs, Texas Work Source, and much more.
Program Funding
Family First is a program that provides support to Child Protective Services Families and is funded through Travis County Health & Human Services / Office of Children’s Services. The program is not a division of Child Protective Services.
Related Resources
Family First Program
Are you looking to enhance your parenting skills?
Our trained Parent Educators at Family First provide individual and group sessions using Nurturing Families curriculum.
Health & Human Services
We provide accessible, person-centered services with respect and care.