Rainwater harvesting is an innovative alternative water supply approach anyone can use. Rainwater harvesting offers a small-scale BMP to reduce storm water runoff and the erosion or scouring associated with it.
By harvesting the rainfall and storing it, a property owner can slowly release the water back into the soil, either through irrigation or direct application. The water then slowly percolates into the groundwater table, providing a steady supply of water to local streams and rivers.
Items needed for a basic rainwater harvesting system:
- a catchment area, likely a roof (metal roofs work best but any roof will work for non-potable water);
- gutters with downspouts;
- screens to catch leaves and debris from catchment area;
- rain barrels; and
- delivery system to landscape (spigots, hoses, pumps, etc.)
Source: Rainwater Harvesting rainwaterharvesting.tamu.edu