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Basic Needs

211 Texas

Dial 211

2-1-1 Texas is the new abbreviated dialing code for free, multilingual information and referrals to health and human services and community organizations. 2-1-1 links individuals and families to services provided by nonprofit organizations and government and social service agencies in their community.

Connect ATX

ConnectATX provides up-to-date information on food, housing, transportation, child care, parenting classes, job training, and more.

Travis County Community Center

Travis County Community Centers have locations throughout the county and operate food pantries and provide assistance with utilities and additional resources.

 City of Austin Neighborhood Centers

The Neighborhood Centers are located throughout the city and provide emergency rent, utility, and food assistance to low- and moderate-income families in need.

Central Texas Food Bank


The Food Bank provides free food and knowledge about low-cost, healthy eating to families in need.

Child Support

Domestic Relations Office

(512) 854-9696

Travis County Domestic Relations Office provides collection and disbursement of child support payments, as well as enforcement of child support and medical support orders and visitation orders for Travis County court orders. DRO also provides Guardians ad litem which may be appointed by the court for cases involving children and docketing services for the CPS docket.

Attorney General Child Support

(512) 514-7000

The OAG provides legal assistance in establishing paternity, establishing, enforcing and modifying child support and medical support orders, and collecting and distributing child support payments.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Administration for Children & Families Child Support Enforcement

(214) 767-9648

Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement provides users with a general, as well as state-by-state outline of its child support enforcement program. It includes frequently asked questions and provides a user-friendly search format for unlisted questions related to child support. The website includes announcements and Spanish language formats for all reports generated by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement.

Law Enforcement

Austin Police Department

(512) 974-5000

Home site includes information and links to all services provided by Austin Police Department.

Victims Services Austin Police Department

(512) 974-5037

Available options include Warrant Search, Is Your Partner Abusing You?, What Every Parent Should Know: Family Violence and Children, How to Make a Safety Plan, Crime Victims Compensation, Volunteer Opportunities, Victim Service Contact Information.

Travis County Sheriff Department

(512) 854-9770

The Sheriff's Office enforces laws, protects the life and property of Travis County residents, and provides safe, secure, and humane confinement of inmates. The law enforcement division provides patrol and criminal investigations and operates out of three command stations.

Victims Services Travis County Sheriff Department

(512) 854-9770

Available options include: Crisis Counseling, Information/Referrals, Protective Orders, Emergency Legal Advocacy, Crime Victim Compensation Information, Personal Advocacy, Safe Shelters, Emergency Transportation, Accompanying Victims to Hospitals.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

To report child or elderly abuse or neglect, call 1-(800) 252-5400

The mission of The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is to protect children, the elderly, and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation by involving clients, families and communities.

Center For Child Protection

(512) 472-1164

Founded in 1989, the Center for Child Protection is the first stop for children who are suspected victims of sexual and physical abuse and for children who have witnessed a violent crime. An accredited children's advocacy center serving Travis County, children are referred to the Center exclusively by law enforcement, and each child is brought to the Center by a caregiver for a recorded interview, forensic medical exam, counseling, and crisis intervention. All services are provided at no charge and most are available in English and Spanish.

Legal Services

Lawyer Referral Services (LRS) and Match Program

(512) 472-8303

The Lawyer Referral Service offers two important services to the public: it helps the client determine if the problem is truly of a legal nature by screening inquiries, and then by referring the client to appropriate service agencies.

Legal Aid Society of Central Texas

(512) 374-2700

Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas helps low-income people with civil legal issues by holding free legal clinics where people can speak with an attorney regarding civil legal problems. The clinics are held Monday and Wednesday evenings at local middle schools. Click on Advice Clinics for more information. Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas helps low-income clients access the civil justice system by providing volunteer attorneys who donate free legal advice and representation.

Legal Hotline for Older Texans

1-(800) 622-2520 or (512) 477-3950

The Legal Hotline for Older Texans is a telephone hotline providing free legal advice and consultation to Older Texans, Pension Participants and Beneficiaries, crime victims and disaster victims.

Austin Bar Association

(512) 472-0270

Non-profit corporation of Travis County attorneys provides a newsletter-format site. Includes links to Texas and Travis County based legal resources and lawyer referral services. Offers limited Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ’S] answers to the general public.

Access and Visitation Hotline

(866) 292-4636 

The toll-free number provided by the Office of the Attorney General and operated by Legal Aid of Northwest Texas provides legal information regarding child custody and access and visitation matters. Callers can speak with an attorney and receive free legal information pertaining to access and visitation problems. The hotline is in operation Monday-Friday, 10 am to 6 pm.

Dispute Resolution Center

(512) 371-0033

The Dispute Resolution Center is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides and promotes accessible, high-quality dispute resolution for all people in Travis County and surrounding areas. The DRC assists with the option of mediation instead of litigation.


TexasLawHelp is a website dedicated to providing free and reliable legal information to low-income Texans.

State Bar of Texas Legal Referral and Information Service

If you have legal needs, The State Bar of Texas Legal Referral and Information Service can help you find a lawyer. To get a legal referral, call 1(800)252-9690 Monday- Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Association of Family & Conciliation Courts

Home site of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. The international organization maintains interests of children in family law with a focus on developing ideas in mediations, resolving family conflict, and parent education.

Divorce/Custody Resources Online

Site offers an introduction to a number of facets of divorce, including child custody evaluations and the impact of divorce on children. Provides links to resources on a state-by-state, and sometimes county-by-county basis [Texas resources are limited]. Users can subscribe to the free internet newsletter on divorce, and can take online courses offered by custody and parenting experts.

Travis County Law Library

For those representing themselves in Travis County Civil Courts, the Law Library’s Self-Help Center can provide forms and information. In many agreed cases, the reference attorneys can meet with family law litigants to answer questions and review paperwork.


Child Welfare Information Gateway

1-(800) 394-3366 or (703) 385-7565

Resources on all aspects of domestic and inter-country adoption, including adoption from foster care. Includes information for prospective and adoptive parents; information about searching for birth relatives; and resources for professionals on recruiting adoptive families, preparing children and youth, supporting birth parents, and providing post-adoption services.

Adoption Network Law Center

1-(800) 367-2367

The comprehensive site offers individual forum for both factual and opinion-based information on adoption. Contains personal stories, links to agencies assisting in adoption and location of birth families by adoptee’s, and media coverage. Includes free access to chat rooms, lists services, and bulletin boards related to all aspects of adoptions.

Counseling and Mental Health

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Dial 988

This line will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and connect them to trained counselors who will listen, provide support and connect them to resources if necessary.

Austin Child Guidance Center

(512) 451-2242

Austin Child Guidance Center is dedicated to improving the mental health of children and their families. A multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors provides individual, family, and group therapy; psychiatric and psychological evaluations; parent education; community presentations and consultations; and training to current and future mental health professionals.


(512) 735-2400

Lifeworks is an advocate for youth seeking their path to self-sufficiency. In addition to their counseling program, they assist with housing, education, and workforce training.

YWCA Women's Counseling and Resource Center

(512) 326-1222

Provides individual and couples counseling for issues including stress, depression, communication, self-esteem, anxiety, anger management, suicide, and relationship difficulties.

Capital Area Counseling

(512) 302-1000

Provides low cost psychological counseling services to the Central Texas community. We officer services to address virtually all health issues, including: depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, marital or relationships issues, sexual, physical or emotional abuse, and the impact of family violence.

Integral Care

(512) 472-HELP (4357)

Integral Care supports adults and children living with mental illness, substance use disorder, and developmental disabilities in Travis County. Their services include a 24 hour helpline for anyone who needs immediate support, ongoing counseling to improve mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, and housing to regain health and independence.

Therapy Online

Online magazine format offers a database search of past and present articles on many topics. Provides links to therapists who specialize in certain issues affecting parents, children, and families, and offers an introduction to general child development from toddlers to teens. Includes an online bookstore, a classifieds section for parenting-related materials, and an audio option for some of the articles in the site.


Health Insurance for Kids

(800) 647-6558

CHIP is affordable health insurance for eligible Texas children. The bilingual website provides information about Medicaid and CHIP and includes a link to the insurance applications.

Texas Medicaid Program

(800) 252-8263

Medicaid is the State and Federal cooperative venture that provides medical coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Medicaid in Texas is to improve the health of people who might otherwise go without medical care for themselves and their children.

Community Care

(512) 978-9015

CommUnityCare provides services at 19 locations in Travis County. Services include outpatient primary healthcare, dental care, radiology including mammography, limited specialty care, and behavioral health services.

Parenting Resources

Kids Exchange

Kids Exchange Network is a network of private providers administered by the Travis County Domestic Relations Office. This program helps children and their parents with parenting time issues who are experiencing difficulties with divorce or separation. The services can be ordered by the court to assure custodial or visitation terms of a decree are carried out.

Boystown National Hotline

1-(800) 448-3000

Available 24/7, 365 days a year, the Boys Town National Hotline is staffed by trained counselors who can give advice and find help for a wide range of issues, from addiction and suicidal thoughts to adolescent defiance and other issues. Boys Town parenting experts have a wealth of ​experience in a broad variety of parenting subjects. This information, backed by research and proven in real-world situations, is available for free in the parenting section of this website.


Find help healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will talk alongside you through on of life's most difficult experiences. Don't go through separation or divorce alone. This faith based/non-denominational 13 session series is offered once per school semester.

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K)

Help your children heal from the pain of divorce. Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your separation or divorce? A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) group is a safe, fun, place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. DC4K groups blend games, music, stories, videos, and discussion to help kids process the divorce and move forward. Groups meet weekly and are designed for children ages 5-12.

Center for Effective Parenting

The Center for Effective Parenting positively impacts children by helping parents and those who work with parents enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding parenting. The Center focuses on training, service, and research in order to have a broad impact in facilitating the healthy growth and development of children.


Austin Independent School District

(512) 414-1700

Austin Independent School District site offers information about school campuses, curricula, and community supportive education services. Includes press releases, and resources focusing on children.

Austin Community College Adult Basic Education/GED Preparation Program

(512) 223-5123

GED Prep Program is free to persons who did not finish high school.

Family Violence

Travis County Attorney's Office/Protective Orders Division

(512) 854-9415

314 West 11th Street, 3rd Fl
Austin, Texas 78701

The County Attorney's Office, among other duties, provides representation and obtains orders for the protection of victims of family violence. Please call for more information.

Texas Advocacy Project

1(800) 374-HOPE (4673)

Legal services provide one of the most effective ways to permanently stop domestic violence. Texas Advocacy Project provides advice over the phone, support with do-it-yourself legal filing processes and complete client representation. Their experienced attorneys guide and advocate for you through the entire process, and their services are free.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

(800) 799-SAFE (7233)

Hotline advocates provide support and assistance to anyone involved in a domestic violence situation, including those in same-sex relationships, male survivors, those with disabilities and immigrant victims of domestic violence. All calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline are confidential.

SAFE, Stop Abuse For Everyone

(512) 267-SAFE (7233)

The SAFE Alliance is a merger of Austin Children's Shelter and SafePlace, serving the survivors of child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence. Services include shelter, counseling, and legal advocacy.