The Honorable Leon Grizzard, Magistrate Court

The specialty dockets provide thoughtful and appropriate consideration of defendants’ mental health issues as they relate to criminal conduct, with a goal of reducing recidivism, and improving lives through appropriate treatment and services.
Dispositions cover the full range of criminal justice outcomes including dismissal following compliance with a set of conditions (medication, treatment, services, etc.), but can also result in probation, jail, state jail and/or prison.
Diversion – Judicially supervised pretrial diversion from 3 to 12 months, similar to a drug court model, with regular appearances before the court, requirements of receiving mental health services, and following the treatment recommendations including medications, no new arrests, and reporting compliance. May include Pretrial Services supervision, restitution, and other case specific requirements. Most cases receive dismissal or rejection of charges.
Mental Health Court – Similar to Diversion, but with more services for the higher risk/higher need defendants and more frequent appearances before the court and staffing before court appearances. Most cases receive dismissal or rejection of charges.
Specialty Docket – The original name for all cases handled by the District Attorney Mental Health Team in Magistrate Court. Cases not accepted into Diversion or Mental Health Court, but still receiving thoughtful attention from the District Attorney’s Office.