Travis County Code Development Requirements
Applying for a Development Permit
Travis County TNR accepts applications for development via a web-based portal at MyPermitNow.
LCRA Highland Lakes Watershed Ordinance (HLWO)
Travis County has adopted by reference the LCRA Technical Manual as criteria governing storm water management in the county’s western watersheds.
City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual (ECM)
Travis County has adopted by reference the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual as technical guidelines governing storm water management in the county’s eastern watersheds.
County Attorney Environmental Enforcement
Requirements for Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Travis County TNR is required by federal and state law to ensure that development in the unincorporated areas of Travis County adheres to storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) requirements. To implement these requirements, applicants must provide either a SWP3 Summary or a SWP3 Summary along with the SWP3.
Overview of SWP3
SWP3 Summary Form
SWP3 Summary Form Instructions
Storm Water Management Inter Local Agreements
Travis County has entered into cooperative agreements with several local jurisdictions to address regulatory roles in areas of shared jurisdiction. These agreements help ensure staff and programs cover all areas and eliminates unnecessary overlap.
County Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) documents
Authority from 2009 Texas Legislature
Texas Local Government Code, Title 13, Subtitle C, Chapter 573, Section 573.001 - Authority of Certain Counties and Districts to Regulate Storm Water Management
TCEQ Storm Water General Permits
This TCEQ webpage has access all currently issued storm water related general permits associated with small urban areas, industrial activities, and construction activities
Federal Links & Resources
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Watersheds
- Storm Water BMPs (Best Management Practices)
- EPA Region 6
- Phase II MS4s (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System)
- Watershed Academy
- US Army Corps of Engineers Ft. Worth Office
- Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
- US Geological Service (USGS)
- National Weather Service Radar - Central Texas
Storm Water Management in Texas
- Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
- Harris County
- Bexar County
- North Central Texas
- Houston
- Corpus Christi
- Fort Worth
- San Antonio Water System
- Texas Water Development Board
Additional Local and Regional Links
- Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)
- City of Austin Watershed Protection Department
- Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
- Regional Water Quality Protection Plan for the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer
- Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG)