Enter at least one of the following search criteria to locate contracts. Partial names and/or numbers may be entered without wildcards.
Project # | Donor First Name | Donor Last Name | Legal Company Name | DBA Name | Contribution Date | Amount | Elected Official |
Project # | Donor First Name | Donor Last Name | Legal Company Name | DBA Name | Contribution Date | Amount | Elected Official |
11-1111 | Name | Name | 20200311 03/11/2020 | 500 | Tim Sulak | ||
1234-001-CW | John Smith, Inc. | Smith Corporations | 20200128 01/28/2020 | 501 | Sarah Eckhardt | ||
02 test project | Testing | testing | 20190927 09/27/2019 | 25 | Margaret Gómez | ||
4400006432 | Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. | N/A | 20211108 11/08/2021 | 500 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400006773 | RPS Infrastructure, Inc. | N/A | 20220824 08/24/2022 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20220517 05/17/2022 | 5000 | Andrew Brown |
2303-006-JR | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20221208 12/08/2022 | 2500 | Ann Howard |
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20211018 10/18/2021 | 2500 | Ann Howard |
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20220811 08/11/2022 | 2500 | Jeff Travillion |
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20210924 09/24/2021 | 2500 | Jeff Travillion |
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20220210 02/10/2022 | 1500 | Brigid Shea |
2206-001-MH | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20211206 12/06/2021 | 2500 | Brigid Shea |
2205-001-TL | Rudy | Garza | Garza EMC, LLC | GarzaEMC | 20220823 08/23/2022 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion |
2914 | sdfasdfsd | asdfasdfsd | sdfasdfasdf | asdfasdfasdf | 20240222 02/22/2024 | 1 | Andrew Brown |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20210730 07/30/2021 | 3000 | Margaret Gómez |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20211018 10/18/2021 | 2500 | Ann Howard |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20210924 09/24/2021 | 2500 | Jeff Travillion |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20220210 02/10/2022 | 1500 | Brigid Shea |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20211206 12/06/2021 | 2500 | Brigid Shea |
2201-003-SK | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20210511 05/11/2021 | 2500 | Brigid Shea |
2109-008-RJ | Halff Associates, Inc. | Halff Associates, Inc. | 20211021 10/21/2021 | 500 | Ann Howard | ||
2109-008-RJ | Halff Associates, Inc. | Halff Associates, Inc. | 20210923 09/23/2021 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
2109-008-RJ | Halff Associates, Inc. | Halff Associates, Inc. | 20210610 06/10/2021 | 500 | Brigid Shea | ||
3167 | name | name | 20200101 01/01/2020 | 5 | Brenda Kennedy | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240522 05/22/2024 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240522 05/22/2024 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240906 09/06/2024 | 1500 | Brigid Shea | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20241015 10/15/2024 | 1000 | Ann Howard | ||
4400006432 | Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. | N/A | 20220818 08/18/2022 | 500 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400006432 | Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. | N/A | 20221202 12/02/2022 | 500 | Ann Howard | ||
2303-006-JR | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20220811 08/11/2022 | 2500 | Jeff Travillion |
2303-006-JR | Bobby | Gregory | Texas Disposal Systems, Inc. | N/A | 20230607 06/07/2023 | 2500 | Brigid Shea |
2209-005-TL | Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. | CobbFendley | 20220613 06/13/2022 | 2000 | Brigid Shea | ||
2209-005-TL | Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. | CobbFendley | 20220824 08/24/2022 | 2000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
2209-005-TL | Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. | N/A | 20220120 01/20/2022 | 500 | Margaret Gómez | ||
4400007221 | Huitt-Zollars, Inc., Texas PAC | N/A | 20230824 08/24/2023 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
2307-008-SK | Rachele Smith | Victim Safety First | 20230530 05/30/2023 | 3090 | Brigid Shea | ||
2307-008-SK | Rachele Smith | Victim Safety First | 20230530 05/30/2023 | 2631.89 | Julie Kocurek | ||
2307-008-SK | Rachele Smith | Victim Safety First | 20230530 05/30/2023 | 2575 | Ann Howard | ||
2307-008-SK | Rachele Smith | Victim Safety First | 20230828 08/28/2023 | 2575 | Jeff Travillion | ||
2914 | Elizabeth | Chupco | Test Test | Test | 20231201 12/01/2023 | 1 | Bruce Elfant |
4400007733 | Halff Associates, Inc | N/A | 20240830 08/30/2024 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400007733 | Halff Associates, Inc | N/A | 20230816 08/16/2023 | 500 | Ann Howard | ||
4400007669 | Jessy | Milner | Front Line Advisory Group | N/A | 20240311 03/11/2024 | 2500 | Ann Howard |
4400007669 | Jessy | Milner | Front Line Advisory Group | N/A | 20231005 10/05/2023 | 2500 | Jeff Travillion |
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240522 05/22/2024 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240906 09/06/2024 | 1500 | Brigid Shea | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20241015 10/15/2024 | 1000 | Ann Howard | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240522 05/22/2024 | 1000 | Jeff Travillion | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20240906 09/06/2024 | 1500 | Brigid Shea | ||
4400007831 | Travis Transportation Partners, a Joint Venture | N/A | 20241015 10/15/2024 | 1000 | Ann Howard | ||
4400005941 | Richards Rodriguez & Skeith LLP | N/A | 20210607 06/07/2021 | 1000 | Brigid Shea |