The Economic & Strategic Planning division provides long-range planning and guidance to departments and County entities to ensure facility needs are met.
Facilities Plans
Update to the 2018 Travis County Facilities Plan**
The purpose of this 2022 report is three-fold: one, provide a concise update on the status of projects referenced in the Travis County 2018 Facility Master Plan (FMP); two, identify new projects and facilities that were not part of the 2018 FMP; and three, describe the comprehensive facility planning process that will begin in the summer of 2022.
Central Campus Plan
The Central Campus Plan** was completed in 2011 and approved in 2012, providing direction to meet the physical needs of Travis County’s activities in downtown Austin.
Adult Correctional System Needs Analysis and Comprehensive Plan** Update
Travis County completed a needs analysis and comprehensive plan update for the adult correctional system. Phase I, the Needs Analysis, was completed in April 2015. Phase II, the Comprehensive Plan** Update, was completed in January 2016.

**As of 2021, Travis County is actively working to remove the word “Master” from its planning documents, but the word is still present in some previously created or approved documents. These titles have been noted above with two asterisks.
Current Projects
To learn about Travis County Facilities construction or renovation projects, including the following, please visit the Redevelopment of Properties page.
- New Civil and Family Courts Facility
- Palm School Project
- Travis County Exposition Center
- Travis County North Campus Redevelopment