Development Code Violations
Learn how to report a suspected construction with no permit, septic system issues, or other violations of the Travis County development code.
Objects in Right-of-Way
Learn how to report objects obstructing areas reserved for public use in a way that doesn’t create an immediate safety hazard.
Environmental Quality Violations
Learn who to notify of water quality and storm water violations.
Illegal Dumping
Report unauthorized disposal of waste materials, such as household garbage, debris, or hazardous materials.
Call the Regional Enforcement Task Force Illegal Dumping Hotline: (877) NO DUMPS (663-8677) or TCEQ at (512) 339-2929.
Public Health Violations
Austin Public Health is responsible for enforcing public health-related violations, such as:
- Abandoned vehicles
- Junk yards, Insect vectors (standing water & high grass)
- City sewage (not septic)
Please contact 3-1-1 or (512) 974-2000.