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Criminal discovery is now provided through the TechShare Defense Portal. See below for additional information about how to gain access to the system.

Tech Share Prosecutor

The Travis County District Attorney’s Office provides discovery on criminal cases to defense attorneys through the TechShare Defense Portal. Only licensed attorneys may apply for access to the portal, and an attorney must read and accept the terms of use in order to apply. Violations of the terms of use may result in access to the defense portal being cut off.

Once you create an account and log in, you can click on the Help tab in the top right of the screen for additional information. If you are having trouble logging in, you may email the help desk at [email protected] or call them at 512-833-8303.

  1. You must be shown as the attorney of record in FACTS in order to access your case(s). It is your responsibility to make sure that the court coordinators have entered your information in each of your cases correctly, especially your bar card number.
  2. If you find that you have access to any case where you are not the attorney of record, please notify us as soon as possible so we can correct that in the system.
  3. All computer systems have limitations so there will still be certain types of discovery that must be provided outside of the system. This will usually be video files that the system is unable to handle because of file size or format.
  4. Attorneys and staff in both offices have been working to upload DME and make it discoverable in the system, but this is a work in progress. You will find that some cases haven’t been reviewed yet and some DME still needs to be uploaded and marked as discoverable. We ask for patience and feedback that will help us focus our efforts.
  5. Due to the volume of misdemeanor cases in the system, the County Attorney’s office cannot go back into cases in which you have already received discovery and also make that discovery viewable within the portal. All new discovery received, and discovery in all new cases entered, will be viewable and downloadable through the portal.
  6. The County Attorney’s office will continue to provide DWI videos on disks for the near future. The file size of these videos in their current format is too large to be workable within the system. We are hopeful for a future solution that will allow you to stream the videos in an MP4 format through the portal (with the native format available also), but at this time most of the law enforcement agencies video applications will not support conversion to MP4.
  7. Prior to indictment, but after an accused person has been booked, (meaning they have been arrested or turned themselves in), the attorney of record may make a request for discovery. Discovery will be made available as soon as practicable prior to indictment unless the prosecutor believes that disclosure could impair an on-going investigation or possibly place a victim, witness, or the community at risk. If discovery is provided prior to indictment, defense counsel should be aware that it is likely to be limited and/or incomplete at that point. It will be necessary for counsel to continue checking TechShare for supplemental discovery.
  8. As with any computer system, a strong internet connection will provide you with a better experience when using the system.

See the Standing Order signed by the District Judges.

Policy on Disclosure of Privileged Communications

  • All employees and agents of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office are prohibited from listening to or recording privileged communications between lawyers and/or their representatives and a client held in custody. In the event any employee, agent or representative of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office becomes aware of a communication between a lawyer or their representative and his client that has been recorded, the District Attorney employee shall immediately stop listening to the recording and immediately inform their direct supervisor, a Division Director, the First Assistant or the District Attorney. The attorney for the client shall be immediately informed of the recording.
  • This policy applies to any and all communications between lawyers or their representatives and their clients, including telephone calls, video conferences, video visitations, in person visitations and written communications.
  • This policy does not apply to cases where the prosecutor’s office or any law enforcement agency has obtained a valid warrant to monitor communications. This policy does not apply where the client has waived the privilege in writing.


The Travis County District Attorney’s Office reviews all expunction requests related to felony cases. If you are seeking information on a felony expunction, or need to request your client’s case be reviewed for an early expunction, you may submit your requests to [email protected]. When submitting a request for an early expunction, please include the name of your client and cause number.

Felony Diversion Programs

Mental Health Court

The Travis County Mental Health Court is a court supervised program designed for persons arrested in Travis County who are experiencing mental health issues, need treatment and supportive services, and are deemed appropriate for diversion as an alternative to having their case proceed in the regular court process. Use the Diversion Request Form to apply for Mental Health Court.

Pretrial Diversion

    • The Felony Pretrial Diversion Program is intended to help defendants charged with felony offenses to move beyond the criminal justice system. Defendants who successfully complete pretrial diversion can have their case dismissed. In many instances, they are also eligible to seek an expunction so that they can move forward with a clear criminal record.
    • Conditions of pretrial diversion are individually tailored based on the facts of the case and the circumstances of the defendant. These conditions can include regular reporting to a probation officer, payment of probation fees, payment of restitution, participation in substance abuse or mental health treatment, or the completion of educational programs. If a person fails to complete the terms of pretrial diversion, their case can be referred back to the TCDA trial court division for prosecution.
    • There is not a formal application required for the Pretrial Diversion Program. There are three ways a case can be considered for diversion. First, some types of offenses are automatically considered for pretrial diversion. If the case is determined to be appropriate, a pretrial diversion offer is extended through the defense attorney. Second, the assigned prosecutor can refer a case for consideration. Finally, defense attorneys can submit a request that a client’s case be reviewed by filling out the information here

Young Adult Diversion Program

  • A program for young adults (ages 17-25) who would benefit from a structured therapeutic course with a focus on altering criminal behavior. This program consists of 12 months of case management, cognitive behavioral therapy and job skills training.
  • Once all conditions are successfully met, the criminal charge will be dismissed and the offender may apply for an expunction.
  • The Travis County District Attorney’s Office along with Adult Probation has created a Young Adult Diversion Program.
  • Judge Mueller will preside over this docket. If accepted into the program, the pending criminal case will be transferred to the 403rd District Court.
  • The program will address the needs of young adults (ages 17 – 25) 
  • The program is structured to be completed within 12 – 18 months.
  • The program may consist of an evaluation/assessment, treatment, counseling sessions (both individual and group sessions) and classes. Specific conditions applicable to each participant will be enumerated in an agreement signed by defendant, defense attorney and state’s attorney.
  • Upon successful completion of all conditions, the criminal charges will be dismissed and state will not pursue further prosecution of the offense.
  • The participant may be eligible under Article 55.01 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to have the arrest expunged upon successful completion of the Young Adult Diversion Program.
  • In advance of selection for the program, applicants must submit to an assessment by Travis County Probation to ensure that they are clinically appropriate for the program and to determine appropriate services.
  • Clinically appropriate applicants will be selected for the program at random.