State law allows that bicyclist may ride on public roadways however the condition of some of the roads can make bicycling on them risky.
As Travis County’s population grows, more people are bicycling and using rural roads for recreation and commuting. Voters approved $3,333,000 in 2011 to address bike safety issues in all four precincts. Determining which roadways these funds should be spent upon, and how they should be spent, is the charge of a Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) that was appointed by the Court to improve bike safety in unincorporated areas of Travis County.

The BSTF will be responsible for:
- Supply a list to the Commissioners Court of safety improvements for popular bike routes in unincorporated areas.
- Develop a list of bike projects for completing gaps in existing bike-way networks
- Design policy (e.g. shared-use paths vs. shared lanes; concrete vs asphalt; shoulder width)
The BSTF recommendations will be presented to the Court for approval prior to expending 2011 Bike Safety Project funds and will also be used to develop projects and cost estimates for future bond referendums.
This site will develop over time as will social media sites for the BSTF and opportunities for the public to contribute. Until then, if you would like to reach out to the Bicycle Safety Task Force, please email us.
Thank you and safe riding!