CES provides Alcohol and Drug (AOD) classes and related programs on a continuous basis. These consist of Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations (TDLR) “State Certified” programs and three clinical classes developed by CES. The TDLR classes are required by statute for particular offenses. Topics covered in the TDLR classes include education about Texas law, substance abuse information, and methods for changing behavior. The CES classes were developed to meet the individual’s clinical needs as determined by a validated, evidenced-based assessment. The classes encourage participants to explore their relationship with alcohol and other drugs in an effort to make informed decisions about future use and are highly interactive using small group work and other best practice activities for adult learning.
Instructions for Registering
Instructions for Registering
If registering for an AOD class only, there will be required paperwork to complete before registering into class. Call (512) 854-9540 Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. The class fees are listed below by clicking on the class then class details and are required at the time of registration. Credit Cards (3% Processing Fee), Money Order or Cashier’sCheck made out to CES. NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CASH.
8-hour AOD Education Class (Spanish Only)
Target Population
Clients assessed in the “potential problem range” due to some moderate negative symptoms in addition to their chemically mediated arrest.
Class Objectives
- To prepare clients to make personal decisions regarding future relationship with chemicals based on a well-informed position.
- To challenge clients to make positive behavioral changes in life to minimize the chance of future alcohol / chemical problems
Class Details
- Available in Spanish ONLY
- Hours: 8, 2 Classes @4 hours each class
- Location(s): Service Center (map) Cost: $70.00
- Payment is due at the time of registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $50.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
12 hour AOD Education Class
Target Population
Clients assessed with the signs and symptoms of progression problematic drinking range.
Course Objectives
- To develop an understanding of addictive disorders by presenting substance abuse and addictive disorders as living problems in addition to chemical misuse problems.
- To develop a basic appreciation of the wonderful and complex nature of the human body and how drugs of abuse impact that system.
- To dissuade clients from seeing marijuana as a benign drug by presenting a balanced critique of marijuana.
- To arm clients with valid drug and personal growth information.
- To assist them in making healthy behavioral choices.
Class Details
- Available in Spanish and for the Hearing Impaired
- Hours: 12, 3 Classes @ 4 hours each class or 4 Classes @ 3 hours each
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $70.00
- Payment is due at the time of Registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $50.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
Drug Education
Target Population
Article 6687b, Section 24B, amended 1993, states that the driver's license of any person convicted of a misdemeanor or felony drug offense shall be automatically suspended for 180 days, effective August 1993. In addition, a convicted drug offender must attend and successfully complete the 15 hour drug offender program in order to have their license reinstated or their licenses will be suspended indefinitely.
Upon completion of the class, the department completes the forms required by DPS for each participant successfully completing the program. In addition, DPS and TDLR require that a Drug certificate monitored by TDLR be given to those participants who need the class for license purposes. The certificates must be monitored through serial numbers per TDLR standards. The department was certified by TDLR as a Drug Offender Education Program provider on September 1, 1993.
Course Objectives
- To educate clients on the dangers of drug use / abuse and associated illegal behaviors.
- To provide information of the effects of drug use / abuse and related Illegal activities on personal, family, social, economic and community life.
- To assist clients in evaluating their own abusive patterns connected with their use of drugs or associated illegal activities.
- To assist clients in developing a plan for positive lifestyle changes to reduce chances of being involved in future drug use/abuse and related illegal behaviors.
Class Details
- Available in Spanish and for the Hearing Impaired
- Hours: 15, 5 Classes @ 3 hours each class
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $90.00
- Payment is due at the time of registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $50.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
DWI Intervention Program
Target Population
Article 42.12 Section 13 (j) (SB.1067) states that all persons convicted of a subsequent DWI on or after September 1, 1993 are required to attend and successfully complete, as a condition of community supervision and before the end of the defendant's period of driver's license suspension, an education program for repeat DWI offenders approved by the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations (TDLR), e.g., the DWI Intervention program. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will revoke the driver's license of those who fail to complete the class indefinitely until the class is completed.
Upon completing the program, the department completes the forms that DPS requires for each participant attending the program due to the subsequent DWI conviction. The department has been a TDLR certified DWI Intervention program provider since April 1, 1993.
Course Objectives
- To educate clients about chemical dependency and the problems associated with chemical dependency.
- To provide intensive instruction about specific actions participants can take to prevent future DWI offenses.
- To instruct clients about methods and ways to make necessary lifestyle changes in order to prevent alcohol/drug related problems in other areas of the participants lives.
Class Details
- Available in Spanish and for the Hearing Impaired
- Hours: 30, 15 Group Sessions at 2.5 hrs each plus 3 individual counseling sessions
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $185.00
- Payment of 35.00 is due at the time of Registration to start a payment plan
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $75.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
- This class requires 2 AA / Self Help Meetings to be completed prior to the end of class.
DWI Education
Target Population
Any person convicted of their first DWI misdemeanor offense and placed on community supervision (probation) is required by law (Article 42.12, Section 13, Paragraph H) to participate in the DWI Education Program within 181 days after being placed on probation. The penalty for failing to participate in the class within the specified time is the suspension of the driver's license by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for one year.
Additional clients take this class as a requirement of the Travis County courts system to meet their alcohol and drug educational needs as assessed by the Intake & Assessment Office e.g., deferred prosecution cases, public intoxication offenses. The department has been certified by the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations (TDLR) as a DWI Education provider since May 1, 1982.
Course Objectives
- To present information on the effects of alcohol and other drugs on driving skills.
- To help clients identify their own individual drinking or drugged driving patterns.
- To assist clients in developing a plan to reduce the probability that they will be involved in future DWI situations.
Class Details
- Available in Spanish and for the Hearing Impaired
- Hours: 12, 3 Classes @ 4 hours each class or 4 Classes @ 3 hours each
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $70.00
- Payment is due at Registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $50.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order ONLY
MIP-MINOR in Possession Program
Target Population
This class for minors (defined as under age 21) who attempts to purchase, possess, or consume alcohol or misrepresent one's age can be found guilty of Minor in Possession (MIP) according to the Alcohol Beverage Code 106.07111. Minors who are charged with DUI are also required to take this class. The curriculum was specifically designed for a young age group of clients under age 21. TCCES offers the MIP class for minors that are age 18 or older. Clients that are younger have a number of other options available in the community.
Course Objectives
- To present information to clients on the effects of alcohol upon behavior and upon the lives of persons who use alcohol.
- To help clients identify their own drinking patterns or problems.
- To educate clients about the laws relating to possession, consumption and purchase of alcoholic beverages and laws relating to minors driving under the influence of alcohol.
- To assist clients in developing a plan to reduce the probability of involvement in future alcohol-related illegal behavior or detrimental activity.
Class Details
- Available in Spanish and for the Hearing Impaired
- Hours: 6 , 2 Classes @ 3 hrs each & mandatory exit appointment
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $45.00
- Payment is due at the time of registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $10.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
8-Hour Marijuana Program
Target Population
Individuals arrested, given a citation for possession of marijuana or paraphernalia or having been identified during their assessment as needing this class based on potential problems with marijuana use.
Course Objectives
- Gain basic understanding of the “magical” nature of the human brain and body.
- Overstated & Understated Health Dangers from regular marijuana use:. Separating Fact from Fiction.
- Separating Fact from Fiction: Marijuana is a relatively harmless drug without the dangers of addiction.
- Have clients reevaluate current benefit to cost ratio analysis regarding continued marijuana use.
Class Details
- Available in English ONLY
- Hours: 8, 3 classes : two sessions @ 3 hours and last session @ 2 hours
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $70.00
- Payment is due at the time of registration
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $50.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
Public Intoxication Program
Target Population
Offenders needing to fulfill a court condition for Public Intoxication and other Alcohol offenses not relating to continuous abuses (Class C and Class B Offenses)
Course Objectives
- To understand how the criminal justice system works in relation to drug related crimes.
- To learn how and why drugs affect the body and behavior.
- To introduce the disease concept of chemical addictions and participants.
- To self-evaluate and gain insight into current drug use and behavior.
- To offer community resources for further recovery.
Class Details
- Available in English only
- Hours: 8, 1 Session 8-5 p.m. with 1 hour lunch break
- Location(s): Service Center (map)
- Cost: $70.00
- Payment is due at Time of Class
- If you need to reschedule there will be an additional fee of $10.00
- Payment types accepted: Credit Cards, Money Order or Cashier’s Check ONLY
- This class is for Offense: PI and other alcohol related offenses; paperwork is done the day of the class.