Travis County Counseling and Education Services (TCCES) employs licensed counselors to conduct an in-depth diagnostic assessment that measures the degree of alcohol/drug problems a defendant has outside of the current alcohol/drug offense The assessment process will determine where a person is on a continuum between no substance related problems at this time to a mild, moderate or severe substance use disorder. The assessment consists of the use of evidence based instruments and an in-depth interview with the offender. This empirically informed, clinician guided assessment results in a complete profile of the offender. The interview explores employment, family relationships, living arrangements, criminal history, medical and psychological history, alcohol and other drug use history, prior alcohol and other drug education or treatment and a review of the offenders' responses on the assessment instruments.
A recommendation is made for the appropriate level of counseling and education based on the results of the assessment. There are specific courses that the State of Texas mandates offenders must take if convicted of certain offenses. This must also be taken into account when recommending appropriate counseling and education needs for each client. p>
Registration & Cost Information
The Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Assessments are conducted Virtually. CALL (512) 854-9540 to begin the assessment process. NO APPOINTMENT necessary to complete the assessment process. Upon completion of paperwork, a VIRTUAL assessment appointment will be scheduled with a licensed counselor to complete the assessment.
The VIRTUAL assessments can take approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete. CES needs a CES Referral Form (en español) from the referring agency/defense attorney. Cost of AOD is $55.00 due at the time of assessment. Fee payable only by Credit Card (3% Processing Fee), Money Order or Cashier's Check, no cash or checks are accepted.