The 2023 Travis County Citizens Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) has begun the process of selecting projects to be recommended to Commissioner’s Court for potential funding in November 2023 bond referendums. This site is the portal to the CBAC and its process; find timelines, schedules, project lists, documents, meeting agendas and minutes, contacts and more.
Travis County’s Citizens Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) held its first meeting on January 25, 2023. Created and appointed by the Travis County Commissioners Court, the fifteen member CBAC is charged with advising the Commissioners Court on the need for a bond election and the prospects for conducting a successful election in November 2023. If the CBAC determines a bond program is warranted, they will advise the Court on the overall scope of a bond package, recommend a prioritized list of projects, and report on the fiscal impacts to the County and local area. The final report will also include recommendations on projects to be considered for funding through the annual budget process or funded through future bond elections.
The Citizens Bond Advisory Committee is asked to provide an initial status report to the Commissioners Court within three months after their first meeting, with a final report due no later than July 11, 2023.
On This Page
Proposed 2023 Capital Improvement Projects Bond Election
On August 15, 2023, Commissioners Court called for a bond election to be held on November 7, 2023. The attached maps show the projects with estimated costs and project descriptions as approved by the Court.
Project Information
This page contains information related to projects being considered by the CBAC 2023, including presentations from staff and links to planning documents.
CBAC 2023 administration documents include meeting agendas, meeting minutes, Committee bylaws, financial information and other related administrative documents.
Plans and Reports
This page contains links to plans and reports that analyze more than one CBAC project category. The CBAC 2023 and staff reference these plans in their project analysis and selection.
Meeting Recordings
The 2023 Citizens Bond Advisory Committee video records their meetings and posts them to YouTube. Links to the YouTube videos will appear here shortly after each meeting.
Virtual Open House for Potential Projects 2023
Travis County’s Citizens Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) has been charged with studying the need for a bond election in November 2023. As part of that process the CBAC has been reviewing potential capital projects that would be included in a bond election.
Final Report from the 2023 CBAC
Read more about CBAC's final 2023 report with summarized recommendation for projects.
Committee Members
The Travis County Commissioners Court appointed Travis County residents to advise the Court on a bond package for a potential November 2023 bond election. Judge Andy Brown appointed John Langmore to chair the CBAC.
County Judge Appointees

Jennifer L. Bristol
Writer / Self-Employed

John Langmore
Attorney / Financial Advisor / Photographer

Rajeev Jain
Precinct 1 Appointees

Elizabeth Montoya
Managing Partner - Montoya & Monzingo, LLP Certified Public Accountants

Dr. Larry Wallace Jr.
Board President at Black Men’s Health Clinic

Roxanne Evans
Retired - City of Austin Communications Specialist
Precinct 2 Appointees

Andrew Rebber
The Verdin Company

Garry Merritt
CEO - Great Springs Project

Wendy Scaperotta
Retired – Travis County TNR – Planning Project Manager
Precinct 3 Appointees

Amy Pattillo
Chief Operating Officer – AvecMode LLC

Kodi Elizabeth Sawin
Principal Public Affairs Strategist - Sawin Group

Robert Stroup
Colorado River Land Trust, Conservation Director
Precinct 4 Appointees

James Valadez
Real Estate Broker

Patrick J. Lopez
Texas Water Development Board - Chief of Staff