Chief Operating Officer – AvecMode LLC

Amy is a business owner with nearly 19 years experience in local and global industries, with documented success leading in business, non-profit, and government organizations. Amy provides versatile industry experience that encompasses legal expertise, humanitarian, high-tech, event, and transportation sectors and a proven record of productivity, quality, and integrity. She is a community leader, currently appointed by Travis County as a representative on the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board and formerly serving as an elected official in local government within Travis County. Amy values meaningful opportunities for the public to be informed about government planning and transparently incorporating public comment into decision-making processes. She is 47-year resident of Travis County, having experienced, firsthand, decades of change in population and public infrastructure within Travis County and the surrounding areas. Amy is passionate about innovative and cost-effective transportation solutions for Travis County and the surrounding region, balanced with long-range planning for our environmental resources and supporting climate action plan goals.
Amy would like to be a part of efforts to maintain and improve our quality of life in Travis County through improvements that will support current and long-term goals for our County roads, parks, open spaces, and water resources and build on the leadership Travis County brings on climate action planning and other planning efforts to protect our natural resources.