Residents within the affected areas remain our greatest concern. This has not been the typical flashflood event where we experience acute flooding, which drains off within a few days. The long duration of time involving these higher than normal levels of water within this area has created a challenge for documenting and assisting residents with long-term recovery needs. Travis County Deputy Fire Marshals will be out with Transportation and Natural Resources (TNR) staff throughout the week documenting all identifiable affected areas around Lake Travis that have been impacted as a result the recent flood events. Our comprehensive County team has been working tirelessly over the last week to complete this necessary mission. Please note, the amount of time it will take before we are able to complete all necessary damage assessments is undetermined due to remaining water levels. We will continue to update the public as progress is made. We appreciate all of the cooperation and patience we have received and continue to receive by those affected. Further questions and/or concerns related to flooded properties within the documented floodplain should be forwarded to the County Flood Plain Division within TNR.