2022: Fire Won't Wait. Plan Your Escape
Time is the biggest enemy in a fire and every second counts
The Travis County Fire Marshal's Office is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.)—to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, October 9-15, 2022. This year's campaign, "Fire won't wait. Plan your escape,” educates the public about simple but necessary actions to keep themselves and those around them safe from home fires.
"Time is the biggest enemy in a fire, and every second counts. In less than 30 seconds, a small fire can grow significantly due to the materials used in today's furnishings. With only minutes and sometimes seconds to respond, creating a home fire escape plan can mean the difference between you and your loved ones escaping without harm." says Chief Tony Callaway.
Travis County Emergency Services and the Fire Marshal’s Office encourages all residents to embrace the 2022 Fire Prevention Week theme by developing and implementing a home fire escape plan. Below, are crucial tips to make a proper escape plan:
- Make sure your plan meets the needs of all your family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
- Smoke alarms should be installed inside every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home.
- Smoke alarms should be interconnected so that when one sounds, they all sound.
- Test smoke alarms twice a year during Daylight Savings Time. Push the test button to make sure each smoke alarm is working.
- Visit each room and identify two ways of escape.
- Check to ensure that all windows and doors open quickly in an emergency.
- Make sure your house or building number can be seen from the street.
- Talk about your plan with everyone in your home.
- Practice E.D.I.T.H. - Exit Drills in the Home at least twice a year.
- Everyone in the household should practice the plan once during the day and at night.
Travis County Fire Marshal’s Office encourages the community to prepare and know these tips in case of a home fire. While emergencies don't happen daily, developing and implementing a solid plan in case of a fire will ensure that you and your loved ones know what to do if disaster strikes.
For more information about National Fire Prevention Week and fire prevention in general, visit fpw.org and sparky.org. You can also contact the Travis County Fire Marshal's Office at traviscountytx.gov/fire-marshal or (512) 854-4621.
If you are interested in your neighborhood participating in a community fire drill, please visit the Travis County Fire Marshal "Neighborhood Drill," webpage at traviscountytx.gov/fire-marshal/prevention/neighborhood-fire-drill.