The Chronic Condition Self-Management program is a 6-week small group workshop for people with chronic disease and their caregivers.
They are offered in person (per COVID guidelines), virtually via Zoom or other platform, and online. The programs are facilitated by Leaders with their own health challenges. The programs are highly interactive, focusing on building skills, sharing experiences, and support.
Workshop topics: Techniques to deal with symptoms of chronic conditions, such as fatigue, pain, sleeplessness, shortness of breath, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger, fear, and frustration.
Topics include:
- Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance
- Falls prevention • Healthy eating • Better breathing techniques
- Appropriate use of medication
- Working more effectively with health care providers
- Communicating with friends and family
- Communicating with oneself
- Communicating with the health care system
- Action-planning, problem-solving, decision-making
Dates: Wednesdays, March 23- April 20, 2022
Time: 10 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Zoom Limited to 12 participants
Registration Required
please contact:
Jessica Martone
Download the flyer (pdf)