Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall
Wednesday, August 25th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Are You Prepared for Wildfire?
The Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall will include a panel of experts to provide valuable information to help understand wildfire risks in your area, best practices for wildfire preparedness, resources available to the public, how your neighborhood can become a Firewise Community, and what action you can take to better protect your home – including how to get a FREE Home Ignition Zone Assessment.
Virtual Link
Hosted by:
Travis County Commissioners Brigid Shea & Ann Howard | Austin City Council Members Alison Alter & Mackenzie Kelly
Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall Panelists:
Justice Jones, Austin Fire Department Wildfire Mitigation Officer
Dr. Rebekah L. Fox, Texas State University Department of Communication Studies
Melinda Mallia, Travis County Natural Resources Program Manager
Will Boettner, Travis County Fire Education Outreach Coordinator
Moderator: Tony Callaway, Travis County Fire Marshal
For wildfire preparedness resources, visit wildfirecoalition.org & wildfire-austin.hub.arcgis.com